Thursday, February 23, 2012


It has been a little quite around here.

I did not intend to take such an extended abscence from the blog, but I did. So there.

I do intend to start posting more frequently. Race season is nigh, I have lots of new gear to get broken in (along with those back muscles I seemingly forgot to workout over the winter) and the weather is finally starting to cooperate (albeit a tad bit windy).

I have still been updating my monthly training as seen in the graphs as the bottom of the page. My February goals were to run 50 miles, cycle for 6 hours and swim 8 miles. I feel as though I will complete the swim, and possibly the run. The bike is probably a no go.

I developed some knee pain from the bikes at the Y so I stop riding them as much and the lack of warm weather has kept me inside. I did finally invest in a cheap trainer so I no longer have any excuses not to be hitting my cycling marks.

My swimming has improved dramatically to the point where I usually do a 1500 meter session everytime I go. Except for tuesday. I had a pretty significant pop in my right shoulder cuff every time I stroked on that side, regardless of how much pressure (or pull) I applied, so I cut Tuesday short. I will get back in on Saturday and see how things go.

Running has improved as well, as long as I wear my compression sleeves. I have no clue if it has become a mental issue at this point or not, but I seems to have lots of shin and ankle pain whenever I do not wear them. I finally retired my Zoot Ali'i 3.0 race shoes and invested in some new Zoot Ultra TT 5.0's. They feel amazing and my trainer set of Zoot are still clicking off the miles. I am trying to start pushing my long runs up towards the half-marathon point, but seem to be moving slowly.

I have my first major even at the end of March, the March in Okarche Du. 5k run, 18mi bike, 5k run. That will be loads of fun and great experience to run and meet all the people in the local tri club I have joined.

I will post more soon, as I have tons I can talk about. See everyone around.

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